Parent/Carer Guides

We welcome and value your support as a parent or carer.

We know that parental involvement has a strong and positive influence on a child’s level of attainment: the more parents get involved the higher the level of the pupil’s attainment. As a school we are committed to working closely with families to ensure we are able to provide the best education and provision for your son/daughter. This can be achieved through open communication and ensuring that we effectively share information, we have an open door policy and welcome any information or concerns you have to ensure we can effectively support your child in school. With this in mind this section of the website has been designed to help parents and carers support the learning of their children. Please see the links below for some useful information:

School Gateway App

Our main form of communication between the Academy and home is email as we move towards a paperless system. Your child’s progress, achievements and successes will be communicated in this way. You must register your email address with the Academy.  Please download the School gateway app to your chosen devise from the App Store or visit   This is a free communication system.